Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Wedding (Draft 2)

The wooden door creaked open, with a loud whine. I tried to suppress a grimace at my less than perfect entrance. I shivered, feeling a chilly draft filtering in through the door behind me. I couldn't help strutting down the aisle, watching all those people turn around and stare.

I just knew that I looked gorgeous, with my white dress and fashionable veil. I wasn't entirely sure that the little old man who was walking me down the aisle was going to make it all the way up to the altar. Just then, I saw my new husband's great aunt, who waved enthusiastically at me. I smiled coolly, remembering her four hour long speech at our rehearsal dinner; half of the guests had fallen asleep. Suddenly, she sneezed; it was so loud that I found it a miracle that she hadn't blown half way across the church. I noticed a little boy putting some candles in his pocket, and had to stop myself from telling his mother to teach him some manners. My eyes drifted to the front of the church, where I saw Jim, standing with his best man. Before I could reach him, however, I saw something brown dart across the stairs underneath the altar, where the priest stood waiting to begin the ceremony. It looked like.. a rat. The little brown object came to a complete stop right in front of the podium, and I saw a long tail. It raised two little arms, and let out a humongous squeak, louder than the blaring organ. The church went quiet and the woman with the huge glasses who had been playing the wedding march spun around in alarm. As I stared, still in shock that such a small animal could let out such a huge noise, the old man escorting me fainted. I supported him with one arm, and held myself up using the pew next to me. The rat, or whatever it was, began to squeak angrily at the congregation, and I heard a scream from my right. It was the great aunt who had given the four hour speech; somehow, I was not surprised. The priest had evidently decided to take matters into his own hands; he sprinted forward, bearing his heavy bible, and thwacked away at the rat. The rodent easily evaded the old man, and before my eyes, it pointed a skinny arm at the priest, and began to squeak even louder.

As the incredible scene unfolded before me, I couldn't help but question my decision to marry Jim. His family was boring, and while I was busy holding up an old man, he was scratching his nose in awe of the cheeky rat that was steadily ruining my wedding. Without waiting to stay and see what happened, I yelled angrily at him, "forget this; we're so over!"

He didn't even turn around, as I stormed out of the building, tearing off the veil that I now hated. I kicked the limo driver out into the street, climbed into the car, and tore off down the street, hoping never to see Jim or his great aunt again.

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